Colour Work and Idea Development

I had a sudden new idea for Olio, most probably coming from the research of the more romance based novels and films as well as Paperman. I had the idea of two people living next to one another, with the man who has decided to try to get the girls attention so sends her a note via paper airplane.

With Georgina, I took the rough sketch and looked at tonal values and how they affect an image. With the neighbours sketch I painted with watercolours the tonal values, splitting it into 3 shades as best I could. It was really useful as tone isn't something I usually think about in its most basic form. Its also good to consider what with creating an image intended for print - if there isn't that much of a tonal range the image may lose details when printed I hadn't thought about previously. 

We then used a limited colour palette and coloured the image according to the tonal values we'd already laid out. I was struggling to use watercolour so swapped to use pencils.

Whilst looking at tone, this was also my way of experimenting with watercolours and pencils as perhaps a possibility of working with them for Olio. I never usually use them, mostly because I'm not particularly keen on watercolour. That hasn't changed as I found using them for tones extremely difficult. Pencil I feel would also not be a good idea. I'm better with them than watercolour, but with having to scan and reprint the image I felt there was a greater chance of losing detail and the image not looking its best. Therefore I decided to stick with my tried and tested method of colouring my work digitally.

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